Frozen in Time
Mar 06, 2007
Climate change part of nature, scientist says

JULIE A. VARUGHESE, Norwich Bulletin

Mar 06, 2007
Everyone’s Clamouring To Cut CO2 But What Does The Science Say?

Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr. Research Group Weblog

There is, unfortunately, a sparcity of balanced news article on the climate change issue. Andrew Forster in the 15 February -28 February 2007 issue of LTT has written such an article entitled Everyone’s clamouring to cut CO2 but what does the science say?

It is worth reading.

Mar 04, 2007
Diagnosing Mr. Energy (Al Gore)

By Henry I. Miller, Chicago Tribune

Mar 02, 2007
Here is another inconvenient truth (but this one will infuriate the Green lobby)

Dominic Lawson, The Independent

Mar 01, 2007
An Inconvenient Pool

Wall Street Journal Review and Outlook

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